
Taking thoughts captive

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24 November 2008

Ascribing Glory

The title of this blog, Ascribelog, is based on the biblical concept of ascribing glory to God. But the title has the double meaning of "a scribe log," which is a journal of someone who writes. And it has a pleasant sound that effectively blends the final "b" sound of "ascribe" with the initial "b" sound of "blog."

I chose the name because of that sound and the double meaning, but primarily because the word "ascribe" properly puts the focus on giving God glory.

I was reminded of all this by yesterday morning's sermon at Covenant Reformed Church, which was called "A Magnificent Call to Worship" and was based on Psalm 29.

That Psalm begins with the command:
Ascribe to the LORD, O heavenly beings,
ascribe to the LORD glory and strength.
Ascribe to the LORD the glory due his name;
worship the LORD in the splendor of holiness (verses 1-2, ESV).

Pastor Edouard explained that the Psalm opens by entering the very realm of heaven where the angels (and we, by implication) are commanded to give glory to God.

It isn't as if God is lacking in something that the angels, or we, need to supply. The command is to confess or proclaim. God is not the beneficiary, but He is the source of all glory and strength and energy and beauty and holiness.

The Psalm then leads the reader through the storm of God's thundering voice. His powerful voice in creation can be seen in thunderstorms, hurricanes, earthquakes, wildfires, volcanoes, and animals. These "acts of nature" are actually acts of God and demonstrate His majesty so vividly that the only proper response from God's people is to shout: "Glory!" (verses 3-9).

The Psalm ends with a beautiful vision of God enthroned above the flood as eternal King and with this beautiful promise:
The LORD will give strength to His people;
The LORD will bless His people with peace (verse 11, NKJV).

I intentionally chose the title "Ascribelog" to convey the purpose of this scribe's feeble efforts to give glory to God. Through all the turmoil on this terrestrial ball, may God equip His people to give all glory and all honor to Him.

Let us shout: "Glory!"


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