
Taking thoughts captive

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Location: Midwest, United States

Favorite smells: mown hay, turned earth, summer rain, line-dried laundry

25 March 2009


Dave slept upstairs for a week while I had a bad cold in an effort to avoid catching it. It didn't work. He has had a bad cold for a week and has been sleeping upstairs in an effort to avoid giving it back to me.

This has been considerate of him and we sleep better when the other person isn't waking us up with coughing or nose-blowing, but Dave made a big mistake. He let our little Yorkypoo, Libby, sleep beside him.

She had previously slept in her little two-tone pink crate, which was too large when she first came to live with us, but is cozy now that she is almost four and a half pounds. She was never too thrilled with the idea of going "bedtime" in her little pink crate, and now that she has been spoiled (really, there's no other word for it) by being allowed to sleep with a warm body in a big bed, she doesn't like it at all.

Dave bought a wire kennel for "toy breeds" and put it in the opening under the kitchen desk. Last night that was where Libby went "bedtime."

Dave is still fighting his cold and he slept upstairs (with the door shut) while I slept down the hall from the kitchen desk (with the door open).

Libby's new kennel has more space, lots of visibility, and a beautiful fleece mat. I even stuck in an old pink towel to make her feel more at home. But Libby did not like her new kennel.

She whined. When I coughed during the night, she barked. I told her to be quiet and go "bedtime." She whined. This grandma is getting too old to be awakened during the night by little ones, especially little canines.

I wonder if Dave's cold was really bothering him all that much last night...


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