
Taking thoughts captive

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Location: Midwest, United States

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13 July 2005

Mirrored Sin

When it comes to the sins of the children, there's a paradox in parenting. Part of what upsets a parent who views sinful behavior in a child, especially an adult child, is the surprise. The parent has tried to inculcate godly beliefs and behaviors and seems, for the most part, to have succeeded. That flash of ugly behavior is as surprising as a snake's strike.

But there's also an element of recognition. When I really think about why certain behaviors distress me so much, I realize that it's because the sin mirrors my own.

The paradox consists of surprise and recognition. While my first thought is: How can my child act like this?, my more considered second thought is: Why wouldn't my child act this?


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Indeed -- more & more, I'm finding that the sins of my children that most intensely bother me are the ones that remind me of my own failings. Those also are the ones that most frighten me for my children -- and drop me to my knees. (Lord, spare them the pain of becoming their father!)

God's grace -- truly our children's only hope!!

7/15/05, 11:15 AM  

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